We present optical UBVRI photometry and low-to-medium resolution spectroscopic observations of type Iax
supernova SN 2020sck spanning −5.5 days to +67 days from maximum light in the B-band. From the photometric
analysis we find ΔmB(15) = 2.03 ± 0.05 mag and MB = −17.81 ± 0.22 mag. Radiation diffusion model fit to the
quasi-bolometric light curve indicates 0.13 ± 0.02 Me of 56Ni and 0.34 Me of ejecta are synthesized in the explosion.
Comparing the observed quasi-bolometric light curve with the angle-averaged bolometric light curve of a three dimensional pure deflagration explosion of Mch carbon-oxygen white dwarf, we find agreement with a model in which
0.16 Me of 56Ni and 0.37 Me of ejecta is formed. By comparing the +1.4 days spectrum of SN 2020sck with synthetic
spectrum generated using SYN++, we find absorption features due to C II, C III, and O I. These are unburned materials
in the explosion and indicate a C–O white dwarf. One-dimensional radiative transfer modeling of the spectra with
TARDIS shows higher density in the ejecta near the photosphere and a steep decrease in the outer layers with an ejecta
composition dominated mostly by C, O, Si, Fe, and Ni. The star-formation rate of the host galaxy computed from the
luminosity of the Hα (λ6563) line is 0.09 Me yr−1
, indicating a relatively young stellar environment.