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Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences

Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences


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  • कार्यक्रम क्रियान्वयन विभाग, उत्तराखण्ड शासन (कार्यक्रम क्रियान्वयन विभाग, उत्तराखण्ड शासन, 2024-11)
    इस पुस्तक को प्रकाशित करने का मुख्य उ‌द्देश्य, उत्तराखण्ड/देश की जनता को भारत सरकार के मुख्यतः उत्तराखण्ड राज्य में स्थापित/कार्यरत विभागों, संस्थाओं, आयोगों, संगठनों, मंत्रालयों द्वारा किये जा रहे कार्यों एवं उनके द्वारा ...
  • कार्यक्रम क्रियान्वयन विभाग, उत्तराखण्ड शासन (कार्यक्रम क्रियान्वयन विभाग, उत्तराखण्ड शासन, 2023)
    इस पुस्तक को प्रकाशित करने का मुख्य उददेश्य, पात्र लाभार्थियों को जनकल्याणकारी, स्वरोजगार/रोजगारपरक, कौशल विकास/प्रशिक्षणपरक, निवेशपरक योजनाओं का लाभ पहुंचाने की प्रक्रिया को सरल शब्दों में अवगत कराना है, जिससे पात्र ...
  • कार्यक्रम क्रियान्वयन विभाग, उत्तराखण्ड शासन (कार्यक्रम क्रियान्वयन विभाग, उत्तराखण्ड शासन, 2024-12-19)
    इस पुस्तक को प्रकाशित करने का मुख्य उददेश्य, पात्र लाभार्थियों को जनकल्याणकारी, स्वरोजगार/रोजगारपरक, कौशल विकास/प्रशिक्षणपरक, निवेशपरक योजनाओं का लाभ पहुंचाने की प्रक्रिया को सरल शब्दों में अवगत कराना है, जिससे पात्र ...
  • Rajwar, Mahendar Chand (ARIES, Nainital, 2024-05)
    Air pollution is a major environmental challenge, with a substantial release of pollutants into Earth's atmosphere due to rapid urban and industrial growth over recent decades. Non-Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHCs) stand out ...
  • Rajput, Akanksha (ARIES, Nainital, 2023-12)
    The lower atmospheric processes impose a number of challenges, such as fundamental understanding of small-scale processes and extreme weather events in the area of atmospheric physics. Atmospheric turbulence is one of the ...
  • Singh, Jaydeep (ARIES, Nainital, 2023-09)
    The sensitive ecosystem of the Himalayas, particularly the central Himalayan (CH) region, is experiencing enhanced stress from anthropogenic forcing that requires adequate atmospheric observations and an improved representation ...
  • Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Pandey, S. B. (Nature, 2021-12)
    Magnetars are strongly magnetized, isolated neutron stars1–3 with magnetic felds up to around 1015 gauss, luminosities of approximately 1031–1036 ergs per second and rotation periods of about 0.3–12.0 s. Very energetic ...
  • Ibrahim, Syed ,; Uddin, Wahab (Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2022-02)
    In this article, we compare the properties of two coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that show similar source region characteristics but different evolutionary behaviors in the later phases. We discuss the two events in terms ...
  • McIntosh, Scott W. ,; Banerjee, Dipankar (Solar Physics, 2021-12)
    We investigate the occurrence of the “extended solar cycle” (ESC) as it occurs in a host of observational data spanning 140 years. Investigating coronal, chromospheric, photospheric, and interior diagnostics, we develop ...
  • Joshi, A.,; Pandey, J. C.; Rawat, N. (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2022-01)
    Using X-ray observations from the NuSTAR and Swift satellites, we present temporal and spectral properties of an intermediate polar (IP) IGR J16547-1916. A persistent X-ray period at ∼546 s confirming the optical spin ...
  • Singh, K. P.,; Kushwaha, P. (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2022-01)
    We present AstroSat soft X-ray, near-UV (NUV), and far-UV (FUV) observations of a blazar, OJ 287, carried out in 2017, 2018, and 2020. The simultaneous observations with NuSTAR in 2017 provide a broad-band look encompassing ...
  • Aryan, Amar; Pandey, S.B.; Yadav, A.B.; Kumar, Amit; Gupta, Rahul; Tiwari, S.N. (Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy, 2022-06)
    In this work, we study the synthetic explosions of a massive star. We take a 100 M zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) star and evolve it until the onset of core-collapse using MESA. Then, the resulting star model is exploded ...
  • Panwar, Neelam; Kumar, Amit; Pandey, S.B (Journal Astrophysical Astronomy, 2022-06)
    Young star clusters consisting of massive stars are the ideal sites to study the star formation processes and influence of massive stars on the subsequent star formation. NGC 1893 is a young star cluster associated with ...
  • Dumka, Umesh Chandra,; Sheoran, Rahul (Remote Sensing, 2022-02)
    The wildfires over the central Indian Himalayan region have attracted the significant attention of environmental scientists. Despite their major and disastrous effects on the environment and air quality, studies on the ...
  • Dutta, Anirban,; Kumar, Brajesh (The Astrophysical Journal, 2022-02)
    We present optical UBVRI photometry and low-to-medium resolution spectroscopic observations of type Iax supernova SN 2020sck spanning −5.5 days to +67 days from maximum light in the B-band. From the photometric analysis ...
  • Yadav, R. K.,; Pandey, A. K.; Sharma, S.; Panwar, Neelam (The Astrophysical Journal, 2022-02)
    We present a comprehensive multiwavelength investigation of a likely massive young cluster “IRAS 05100+3723” and its environment with the aim to understand its formation history and feedback effects. We find that IRAS ...
  • Pandey, Rakesh,; Sharma, Saurabh; Panwar, Neelam; Ghosh, Arpan; Sinha, Tirthendu (The Astrophysical Journal, 2022-02)
    We present a multiwavelength study of the H II region Sh 2-301 (S301) using deep optical data, near-infrared data, radio continuum data, and other archival data at longer wavelengths. A cluster of young stellar objects ...
  • Ghosh, Arpan,; Sharma, Saurabh; Pandey, Rakesh; Sinha, Tirthendu; Panwar, Neelam (The Astrophysical Journal, 2022-02)
    The Gaia Alert System issued an alert on 2020 August 28, on Gaia 20eae when its light curve showed a ∼4.25 magnitude outburst. We present multiwavelength photometric and spectroscopic follow-up observations of this source ...
  • Pellegrino, C.,; Misra, K. (The Astrophysical Journal, 2022-02)
    Rapidly evolving transients, or objects that rise and fade in brightness on timescales two to three times shorter than those of typical Type Ia or Type II supernovae (SNe), have uncertain progenitor systems and ...
  • Mordvinov, Alexander V.,; Banerjee, Dipankar (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2022-02)
    Detailed study of the solar magnetic field is crucial to understand its generation, transport, and reversals. The timing of the reversals may have implications on space weather and thus identification of the temporal ...

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