In this study, we have for the Brst time discussed the eAect of a partial solar eclipse on limb-darkening
eAect, incoming solar radiation and atmospheric temperature at the surface with the help of a solar
telescope with the back-end instrument as the charge-coupled device camera and data of net radiometer
installed at the Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. We have also cal culated the eclipse parameters, magnitude and obscuration. A partial eclipse occurred at Varanasi on
21 June 2020 from 10:30:51 am to 02:04:01 pm (IST) for 3 h 33 min. The path of this rare solstice ring of
Bre was of long duration. Observation of six phases of the partial solar eclipse was recorded and it showed
a variation in the intensity over the sun’s diameter from one limb to another at different phases of the
eclipse. We also estimated the limb-darkening coefBcient for six phases of the partial solar eclipse. The
average value of the solar limb-darkening coefBcient was found to be about 0.61. The observed values of
the limb-darkening coefBcient; incoming solar radiation and atmospheric temperature at the surface are
consistent with earlier studies.