In recent times, 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope (DOT) has been installed with an optical to
near infra-red spectrograph, TANSPEC, which provides spectral coverage from 0.55 to 2.5 microns. Using
TANSPEC, we have obtained a single epoch spectrum of a set, containing nine FUors and EXors. We have
analysed line profiles of the sources and compared them with the previously published spectra of these objects.
Comparing the line profile shapes with the existing theoretical predictions, we have tried to interpret the physical
processes that are responsible for the current disc evolution and the present accretion dynamics. Our study has
shown the importance of time-evolved spectroscopic studies for a better understanding of the evolution of
the accretion a mechanisms. This in turn can help in the better characterization of the young stars displaying
episodic accretion behavior.