Here we present the first optical photometric monitoring results of a sample of 12 newly discovered blazars from the ICRF –
Gaia CRF astrometric link. The observations were performed from April 2013 to August 2019 using eight telescopes located
in Europe. For a robust test for the brightness and colour variability, we use Abbe´ criterion and F-test. Moreover, linear fittings
are performed to investigate the relation in the colour-magnitude variations of the blazars. Variability was confirmed in the case
of 10 sources; two sources, 1429+249 and 1556+335 seem to be possibly variable. Three sources (1034+574, 1722+119, and
1741+597) have displayed large amplitude brightness change of more than one magnitude. We found that the seven sources
displayed bluer-when-brighter variations, and one source showed redder-when-brighter variations. We briefly explain the various
AGN emission models which can explain our results.