dc.description.abstract |
A detailed study on the distribution of basic cloud types over thenorthern states of India (NSI) is performed using the decadal(2007–2016) raDAR-liDAR (DARDAR) data, which facilitates mergedCloudSat and Cloud aerosol liDAR infrared pathfinder satellite observa-tions (CALIPSO) observations onto the high resolution matched geo-graphical grid points. The study demonstrates the seasonal variations,with south-west monsoon (June–September) exhibiting the maximum(>50%) cloud appearances while during the active period of westerndisturbances (December–March), ~25% of the total annual clouds, overtheNSIregion.Altostratusisfoundtobethemostfrequentcloudtype(~20%) among others in the last decade over this region, while duringsouth-west monsoon and western disturbances, the most dominantcloud types are deep convective (~25%) and nimbostratus (~33%),respectively |
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