The goal of this thesis is to understand the black hole accretion process, out
ows and
jets, and predict its observational properties. In the study of accretion disc, the highly
non-linear process involves a transport of angular momentum by turbulent viscosity
process and dissipation in the disc by various dissipative process. The disc in a full
general relativistic regime is a very hard to study analytically. So here rstly, we have
study analytically hydrodynamic disc with using pseudo-Newtonian geometry around
compact objects then using full general relativistic approach. Pseudo-Newtonian potential
carrys essential properties of general relativity such as the location of marginally
stable orbit, the location of marginally bound orbit and the location of photon orbit
and their corresponding angular momentum values. So, this mimic the black hole geometry
with general relativity. This Pseudo-potential is given by and also known as
Paczy nski and Wiita (1980) potential.
Our accretion solutions are stationary, axisymmetric without or with turbulent
viscosity in the disc around non-rotating black holes. We have developed all type of
possible accretion solutions in a self-consistent manner for non-dissipative or dissipative
process in the disc. We have mainly focused on shock disc solutions and jets solutions
by assuming jets
ow geometry around black hole with their corresponding disc luminosities.
The accretion solutions have also been studied with time dependent numerical
simulation by us. We want to check how well our numerical simulations by state of the
art simulation code, can reproduce our analytical solutions, and thereby acts as check
of our predictions based on analytical result.